Caitlin Anne

How Caitlin Anne Photography Started

What better way to kick off the blog than with a post rooted in where it all began: A passion for taking photos of the family. Every day, I look at my girls and notice subtle changes. Whether it’s losing a little part of the baby in their face or noticing how their hair now fits into two pigtails instead of one little pony, it’s so, so very important to me to document them at every stage so we can look back and remember all of it.

One of my favorite parts of this job is delivering photos to you, knowing that they aren’t just for a social media post but they’ll live on forever to remind you of this precious stage. They’ll live on, forever, to remind your kids, when they’re older, how much they were loved. They’ll live on, forever, for generations and generations, to preserve your legacy. That is pretty impactful if you think about it.

These photos are some of my favorites of my girls that I have taken to date. They were taken at the studio in La Grange against a plain white backdrop. Simple, and I wanted no distractions so I could focus on those perfectly classic faces that they both make and perfectly classic little dance moves and poses they love to do.

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